Supply Chain Manager II

Job Description

  • The Supply Chain Manager is responsible for the Supply Chain process at Operating Company level.
    The Supply Chain Manager is in charge of managing and coordinating the OpCo’s logistic and supply chain function including acquisition, warehousing, material management, and distribution/transportation to meet the OpCo’s business requirements.
    He / she is the link with supply points and sister OpCo’s served by or sourced from the OpCo.
    The Supply Chain Manager is accountable for the management of the Supply Chain Planning process, balancing demand and supply and production capabilities, contributing to the drive towards IBP (integrated Business Planning). This is the top logistic and supply chain position for a specific location but is governed by policies and frameworks established by the larger corporation.
    The Supply Chain Manager level depends on the size of the organization that he / she manages, which is aligned with the scope and complexity of the site / OpCo (number of plants / 3rd party manufacturing / production lines, customers, throughputs / capacities and size of the product portfolio).
    The Supply Chain Manager supervises the Supply Planner, Demand Planner, Production Planner / Scheduler. Depending on the size of the organization, (elements of) these roles may be combined into the role of the Supply Chain Manager. At the same token, the role of Supply Chain Manager may be combined with the role of S&OP Manager.
  • Job Description
    Job Description
    • Supply Chain Planning Process
      • Manages the Supply Chain planning and forecasting process, including aligning the various supply chain plans and managing information, in order to have a structured planning process and tools in place and improved quality and alignment of all SC plans; manages various Supply Chain calls / meetings (organize, invite, minute and action plan tracking etc.); actively participates in Supply Chain development aligned with Nutreco standards.
      • Manages purchasing of materials and equipment to ensure an uninterrupted supply at optimum cost.
      • Manages logistic activities required for the timely and efficient transportation and warehousing of incoming and outgoing materials and distribution of products.
      • Manages the long term capacity planning of raw material supply based on analysis of sales and raw material forecasting in close cooperation with the Commercial, Purchasing and Operations management, in order to support the long term business planning
    • KPI’s
      • Maintains the relevant KPI’s such as forecast accuracy, forecast bias, OTIF and stock levels (working capital), including supplier (RMP and 3rd party manufacturing) performance evaluation methods
    • Leadership
      • Provides leadership (i.e. setting individual objectives, reviewing performance and providing ongoing feedback on a formal & informal basis) so that all reports are aware of what they are required to achieve and how they are performing against their objectives.
      • Manages the development and performance of the planners through a culture of coaching, skills development and increased accountability.
      • Supports the establishment of a culture of leading and collaboration and thereby focussing on improving the supply chain processes and performance

    • Continuous Improvement & Projects
      • Identifies, benchmarks and implements Supply Chain best practices. Initiates and implements operational improvements through development of control systems within all teams.
      • Drives the efficiency and effectiveness of all Supply Chain activities to ensure a responsive, robust response to customer demand.
      • Initiates root cause analysis and (sustainable) problem solving.
      • Manages various identified improvement projects.

    • Quality / HSE Compliance
    • Assures that all activities and operations are executed in line with HSE / Quality rules, regulations, procedures, instructions, guidelines, and promotes awareness thereof, including addressing anomalies to others.
  • Additional Job Description
    Additional Job Description

    Knowledge  & experience

    Bachelor’s, 6 – 8 years’ experience

    Management Breadth

    3-5 years’ work experience


    Responsible for Supply Chain activities which are related in objective and content. Operational and tactical focus.

    Organizational Impact

    Contributes to new methods / procedures and improves existing methods, systems and procedures.

    Stakeholder Interaction

    Has a prime responsibility on added value between € 200,000 – 600,000.

    Maintains contact with a group of stakeholders at a tactical level throughout the organization and externally.

Leer oferta completa

¿Qué pasa después?

Aplicación Exitosa

¡Felicidades! Tu solicitud ha captado nuestra atención de manera exitosa. Estamos impresionados con tus habilidades y experiencias, que sugieren una gran compatibilidad con nuestro equipo. Nos pondremos en contacto contigo pronto con los próximos pasos en el proceso de contratación. Mientras tanto, explora nuestro sitio web para conocer más sobre nuestra cultura y proyectos actuales. ¡Gracias por considerar una carrera con nosotros!

En Entrevista

¡Has llegado a la etapa de la entrevista! Esta es tu oportunidad para mostrar tus habilidades y aprender más sobre Nutreco. Aquí tienes algunos consejos para prepararte:

  • Investiga: Familiarízate con nuestro propósito y proyectos recientes.
  • Revisa: Entiende las principales responsabilidades del rol.
  • Prepara Preguntas: Ten preguntas reflexivas listas para demostrar tu interés.

Discutiremos tu experiencia y cómo puedes contribuir a nuestro equipo. Después de la entrevista, nuestro objetivo es proporcionar comentarios de manera rápida. ¡Buena suerte!


¡Gracias por tu interés en unirte a nosotros! Aquí tienes una breve revisión de tu viaje hasta ahora:

  • Aplicación: Nos impresionaron tus credenciales y potenciales contribuciones.
  • Entrevista: Tu comprensión del rol y tu pasión destacaron.

Ahora estamos finalizando nuestras decisiones y nos pondremos en contacto contigo pronto. Apreciamos tu paciencia y entusiasmo mientras hacemos nuestras consideraciones finales.

Bienvenido al Equipo

¡Bienvenido a bordo! Estamos encantados de tenerte en nuestro equipo. Serás una pieza clave en nuestros emocionantes proyectos, aportando tu experiencia al máximo.

Aspectos Destacados de la Integración:

  • Orientación: Conoce nuestra cultura y objetivos.
  • Encuentro con el Equipo: Conecta con tus colegas.
  • Capacitación: Obtén las herramientas necesarias para sobresalir en tu rol.

Estamos comprometidos con tu crecimiento y desarrollo. Tu viaje con nosotros apenas comienza, y estamos emocionados de ver todo lo que lograrás. ¡Bienvenido al equipo!

¿Aún tienes preguntas?

Estar en contacto con:

Sonia Fajardo Minguez

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